Following the Wise Men

I have reflected on the Wise Men more than ever this past Christmas season, and keep being drawn to them in my heart.

Just as much of Christmas is, the Wise Men are always depicted in a sentimental, nostalgic, safe manner.

But the Wise Men were so much more interesting and inspiring than that!

Their astounding, zealous faith caused them to follow a star. Who does that? Who sees a new star in the sky, is then convinced that it is a sign from God, and then leaves everything behind for a long and dangerous journey? How did they explain this to others? They must have encountered doubt, ridicule and scorn. But they were so convinced by the heavens that they followed their hearts anyway.

Did they doubt? Did they wonder if they would discover the One who they sought? Or did they just know?

What overcomes my heart is that they made this journey without any selfish motivation. They would receive no earthly gains, merit, accolades or treasure. It likely cost them much in money, safety, reputation, convenience, sleep, strength and comfort.

Yet they traveled on. To gain nothing.

They sought the King only to be with Him, only to give to Him.

This is how we are called to seek Jesus.

I can be so prideful. When I reflect on how these kings sought their King so humbly, simply so that they may adore him, I wonder - Do I also seek Him so selflessly, just so that I may give Him the praise and honor that He deserves?

Am I also willing to give up comfort, convenience, time, strength, money, safety - simply so that I may honor Him?

When I am in His presence, does my heart fall prostrate before Him, as the Wise Men did when they entered the house and saw the Child with Mary?

I pray that I may follow the Wise Men into a deepening of faith, of trust, of praise and worship to my King during 2019.


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