Homeschooling in 2020 Part One - The Encouragement of the Gospel
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with a fellow veteran homeschooler. Tanya Higgins always supported our family's decision to homeschool, and gave me encouragement, wisdom and advice when I needed it.
It occurs to both of us how many are surprised to be considering homeschooling this next school year, given the current conditions of the Coronavirus pandemic.
I believe that all parents are being forced to make incredibly difficult decisions for their families right now.
I want to encourage all parents right now with some truth.
First of all, let's remember that you (yes YOU - the one reading this post right now) were created by our God
Our God knitted you in your mother's womb.
You are HIS son or daughter.

You were created in HIS likeness.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made,
and you can do ALL things in Christ who will strengthen you.
These are not platitudes.
This is the Gospel.
It is time for us to ask ourselves - do we believe what we say we believe? If we do, then we have NOTHING TO FEAR.
And if you find that your heart does not actually believe these truths, if you find yourself lacking in faith AS WE ALL DO AT TIMES, then ask our King to help you believe.
He is the giver of faith. He is the molder of hearts.
We cannot force our hearts to change - we must ask HIM.
Ask the Holy Spirit to pour out His wisdom, knowledge, understanding, patience, hope, love and FAITH onto your heart.
As our priest, Father Brad, reminds us often,
the Holy Spirit tends to go where He is wanted.
Parents - you were created and designed to be your children's parents. There is no one else in the billions of people in the world meant to parent YOUR children. You were created to do this by the Creator of all creation.
Are you flawed? Do you sin? Well, welcome to humanity. We all fail our children sometimes. Apologize, go to confession if you are able, pray for God's grace and try to do better. This is what we can learn from the saints - to humble ourselves when we fail (because we will fail), and to keep trying.
I am not going to say that everyone should homeschool. That is a complicated matter, and I firmly believe that as the mother or father of your children, the one who knows your children and your family situation best is YOU. You are the expert. You are the one who can best discern what your family should do for the upcoming school year.
I will also say that we should not make any of our decisions out of fear. We are an Easter people, a people of hope and of confidence. Not confidence in our own abilities, but in our King who will give us the grace we need, when we need it.
I will also say that if you think homeschooling would be the most lifegiving choice for your family this year, then you're right. You know what is best for your family and if you want to homeschool, you CAN do it.

If you are giving homeschooling serious consideration right now, I strongly recommend Sarah Mackenzie's book, Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace. It is only 101 pages and has 5 stars on Amazon. If you are going to homeschool, it will be so important for your family for your heart to come from a place of rest and of peace.
This will be Part One of this series. In the next post, I will recommend some best practices. In the third post, I will point you towards some resources that may be of help.
For now, be encouraged. Have hope. Be anchored in Christ and in the Gospel. There is an entire culture of fear right now. Don't listen. Renounce fear - it is not from the Lord. Stop reading the news so much.
Snuggle up with your precious children, and read them a really great story. You will have made an enormous step towards being a great homeschooler.
Our whole world, all families, our entire Church, all of humanity, all affected by this pandemic, all parents, all children, all those who are alone, all those plagued by fear, all those who know Jesus and those who don't - you are all in my prayers.
Much love.
It occurs to both of us how many are surprised to be considering homeschooling this next school year, given the current conditions of the Coronavirus pandemic.
I believe that all parents are being forced to make incredibly difficult decisions for their families right now.
I want to encourage all parents right now with some truth.
First of all, let's remember that you (yes YOU - the one reading this post right now) were created by our God
to live during THIS time,
during THIS pandemic,
amid THESE challenges.
Our God knitted you in your mother's womb.
You are HIS son or daughter.

You were created in HIS likeness.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made,
and you can do ALL things in Christ who will strengthen you.
These are not platitudes.
This is the Gospel.
It is time for us to ask ourselves - do we believe what we say we believe? If we do, then we have NOTHING TO FEAR.
And if you find that your heart does not actually believe these truths, if you find yourself lacking in faith AS WE ALL DO AT TIMES, then ask our King to help you believe.
He is the giver of faith. He is the molder of hearts.
We cannot force our hearts to change - we must ask HIM.

As our priest, Father Brad, reminds us often,
the Holy Spirit tends to go where He is wanted.
Parents - you were created and designed to be your children's parents. There is no one else in the billions of people in the world meant to parent YOUR children. You were created to do this by the Creator of all creation.

I am not going to say that everyone should homeschool. That is a complicated matter, and I firmly believe that as the mother or father of your children, the one who knows your children and your family situation best is YOU. You are the expert. You are the one who can best discern what your family should do for the upcoming school year.
I will also say that we should not make any of our decisions out of fear. We are an Easter people, a people of hope and of confidence. Not confidence in our own abilities, but in our King who will give us the grace we need, when we need it.
I will also say that if you think homeschooling would be the most lifegiving choice for your family this year, then you're right. You know what is best for your family and if you want to homeschool, you CAN do it.
If you are giving homeschooling serious consideration right now, I strongly recommend Sarah Mackenzie's book, Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace. It is only 101 pages and has 5 stars on Amazon. If you are going to homeschool, it will be so important for your family for your heart to come from a place of rest and of peace.
This will be Part One of this series. In the next post, I will recommend some best practices. In the third post, I will point you towards some resources that may be of help.
For now, be encouraged. Have hope. Be anchored in Christ and in the Gospel. There is an entire culture of fear right now. Don't listen. Renounce fear - it is not from the Lord. Stop reading the news so much.
Snuggle up with your precious children, and read them a really great story. You will have made an enormous step towards being a great homeschooler.
Our whole world, all families, our entire Church, all of humanity, all affected by this pandemic, all parents, all children, all those who are alone, all those plagued by fear, all those who know Jesus and those who don't - you are all in my prayers.
Much love.
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