Our Vision

Last year, Jason and I spent an evening writing down our vision for our homeschool. In the midst of planning our next school year, it is always so helpful to begin with the big picture, so I have spent the morning reviewing what we wrote.

These are our ideals. They are lofty, and perhaps unrealistic. But without knowing our ideals, we cannot seek to achieve them or even pray for them.

With God's grace, this is what we pray for in our homeschool.

Our Vision

Above all, we yearn for our children to develop servants' hearts and to give their lives to God. May our children develop a strong moral compass rooted in our faith, in Scripture, in the love of Jesus, in mercy and compassion.

May we help them to discern their vocation, their call from God, and to discover how they can spread the love and glory of God.

May faith, prayer and Scripture be a part of their daily lives.

May they live in awe and wonder, witnessing God's design in nature, science, math and music.

May they embrace the individual gifts God gave them, and be aware of their responsibility to contribute to the common good for society.

We hope that they will develop a strong love of learning and sense of curiosity. We want them to become self-directed learners, to ask lots of questions and then know how to find answers.

We hope they will develop acute critical thinking skills, to acquire sound logic and "organized minds." We hope they will be able to recognize truth, as well as fallacy and hypocrisy.

We want them to continue to enjoy reading. We want them to become familiar with the ideas and philosophies of the great thinkers. We hope they will have a positive experience with some of the classics.

We pray that Jason and I, and all of our family, will continue to develop strong, deep relationships. We hope they will be good listeners and conversationalists.

We hope they will learn how to manage their finances responsibly.

We want them to have a relationship with history; to be able to see the large picture and their role in it. We hope they will become able to relate current events to historical ones.

We hope they learn to enjoy some type of writing, and that they will be able to express their thoughts clearly and proficiently through writing.

We hope they will learn how to prioritize and manage their time; to set goals and take the steps to meet them.

We hope they will learn how to be responsible and dependable, taking ownership of their work, successes and mistakes and to know how to sincerely apologize.

We want them to have awareness and appreciation for different cultures and different types of people.

We hope they will have a basic understanding of our government and that they will become informed, caring voters.

We hope they will learn how to be good friends.


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