Stay Awake! The Hour is At Hand

In yesterday's gospel, Matthew 24: 37-44, Jesus instructs us to be watchful. He tells us, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."

He says, "Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming . . . Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

This reading has many layers. One could reflect on the second coming of the Messiah, and how we can help make the way in our world for Him to come. One could reflect on one's own mortality, and how to be ready for the day Jesus calls us home.

Even though Jesus tells us they can happen at any time, our death and the second coming may still feel distant in our hearts. Yesterday, the Lord helped me understand that He is telling us to be prepared for His coming in another way as well.

The Lord tells us to stay awake, to be watchful. We are not only to be expectant of Him at our death bed or in the second coming, but we are to watch for Him right now, on this day, in this moment.

Jesus is ceaselessly drawing us closer to Him, endlessly calling us to deeper relationship with Him. He is reaching out to each of us right now.

Am I awake? Am I watchful and expectant?

Am I listening for Him in the silence? In the noise? In Scripture? In music? In the voice of someone speaking to me?

Do I see Him in creation? In the birds migrating, the seasons changing, the squirrels foraging, the biting cold?

Do I witness His presence in the air I breathe into my lungs? In a good night of rest? In laughter? In pain?

He is coming to us today, right now, in each person we encounter, each person we have the opportunity to love. Can I see His face? In my husband? My children? My family and friends? A stranger? The homeless?

The Way, the Truth and the Light is in that empty manger. 

Without the Christ child, it leaves our eyes and hearts searching for Him. He is coming! To you, to me, to all of us. We must seek Him out. He waits for our loving gaze to fall upon Him.

I must be present and mindful - how is Jesus coming to be today? In what moment is He trying to touch my heart? Will I notice? Will I be too busy or distracted to hear His whispers? Will I see Him in those around me?

I must stay awake. I must watch. He is coming. He is here.


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